OVER THE weekend two ‘Know the Score’ posters have been displayed throughout the clubhouse. These are introductory posters about the World Handicap System that will be introduced into the UK on November 2 of this year.
These will be changed every few weeks and are designed to give a basic overview of the changes we will all experience. They will cover different aspects of the changes including Course Rating, Slope Rating, Handicap Index, Course Handicap, Playing Handicap, and General Play and Competition Rounds.
They are not detailed and are intended to draw attention to the WHS website: that provides detailed information and is ideal for any player who wishes to learn more about WHS.
The posters explain that WHS has been created to:
• Allow golfers to obtain and maintain a Handicap Index
• Allow golfers to use their Handicap Index from course to course
• Allow golfers to compete, or play recreationally
• Unify the previous six different handicapping systems
The second poster explains that for WHS to work, golfers will need to obtain a Handicap Index.
For regular golfers, this will be done by:
• Calculating the best eight scores from the previous 20 rounds
For new golfers, they will have to:
• Submit scorecards of 54 holes (3x 18 holes, 6x 9 holes or any combination of 9 and 18 holes) to their golf club’s Handicap Committee
To find out more about WHS visit: